Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Why should we study history?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
 There are many reasons why we should study history. It is important that students learn about the worlds past and learn from the mistakes that have been made in the past. It is also important that students learn about different cultures and learn about their impact on history. It is important that we find out who we are in comparison to other people so we are able to identify how we want to become and where we would like to go in our lives. Through history, students are able to better understand people, how and why they acted certain ways. This is very interesting to me because I am a psychology major. Without history of ways different people act and how their brain acts my field would not have any basis. Many theories in psychology are based around the history of symptoms and actions of certain people to make diagnosis. History helps us learn about many different people and societies.
 History has made an impact on the world we live in today so it is important that students learn about it. History has shaped the things we do today so in order to better understand the way we live today students need to understand the history of our past. History helps us understand the present because we are able to look at past mistakes and successes. Learning history can also help us attempt to predict the future because we know what has already happened so it is easier to see where we are going. To feel some sense of belonging to our country we need to learn how our country was shaped and learn about the people who shaped it. It is upsetting that some immigrants know more than our own citizens in our country about our government and history. Only through studying history can we grasp how things change and begin to comprehend the factors that cause this change.  We  are only able to understand what kinds of things in an  institution or society persist despite change.
Finally history instills good moral development and citizenship into a student. The student learns about things in the past that were done to other human beings that were immoral and from that are able to determine what is moral behavior and what is not. Students are also able to learn how to become a good citizen and what that means. They are able to do this because they learn about the history of the voting process and what it means to vote.
Overall, History is very important for students to study. There is no way that we would learn from our mistakes without studying history. History helps students learn about different cultures and helps them develop good citizenship and good moral development. Students are able to understand themselves better and are able to identify their potential by understanding and studying history.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Social Studies is learning about cultures other than your own.. correct?

 "A fundamental objective of social studies instruction is to link students’ lives and experiences to the lives and experiences of others." -Litner
I definitely agree with this quote. My opinion of Social Studies is learning about cultures different from your own and linking students lives and experiences to the lives and experiences of others helps them learn about other cultures and their similarities and differences to the students. A fundamental objective of Social Studies education is to link students lives to the outside world. This way students are learning about the outside world but are also able to remember it better because they link it to their lives.  An example of a way the teacher could teach this would be to do a service learning project for a needy family. Students could do something like Habitat for Humanity where they learn about a needy family and then help build a house for them. This way students are gaining knowledge about other peoples lives and the experiences they have gone through. Another example of this would be for students to research a students school day in Brazil and then find similarities and differences in the two different cultures. It is fundamental to have students learn about cultures that differ from their own so that they are not ignorant of differences when they go out into the real world. Students learn best from their experiences and their connections they are able to make to their self. If students are able to link theirself and see their similarities and differences to another culture then that culture will not seem so foreign to them. I believe what Litner said is profound and that as teachers we need to pay attention to these things and need to give students direct experiences with people who are different from them. After all, that is what Social Studies content is centered around.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Meaningful learning in Edu 358

It is very hard to pick out a couple of things that I find are meaningful in my Edu 358 class because I feel like I have learned a lot. I guess because I am so close to having my own classroom, I continue to reflect on the different types of social studies classrooms. The different approaches to teaching the social studies curriculum. I have also learned about service learning which I had never heard of before this class. I have really enjoyed learning about new technology such as a prezi that I was not familiar with before. Being able to look over the new Social Studies North Carolina Standards made me feel like I had a voice. Finally, the fact that I have had a choice to choose 50 points of my grade has made me feel competent and confident. I am lucky to have the opportunity to show my knowledge in an assignment that I have chosen.
I continue to look at the different approaches, and try to figure out how to integrate all of them the learner-centered approach, society centered approach, and the knowledge center approach. The paper in class and the discussion really helped me reflect on what approach I tend to lean towards. It made me think about how I am going to set up my classroom and that there are multiple approaches to get students to understand the social studies content.
Before this class, I did not know what service learning was but now I see how much of an impact in can have in the classroom. When I saw the students that took part in service learning I was amazed at how much they were learning while helping others. They almost got more out of their learning because they were so interested and willing to help. Students were able to integrate different curriculum as well when they worked on different projects.
I also have learned a lot about how to use newer technologies such as, the prezi. I had seen the prezi before but had never learned how to use one and I was really impressed. I liked how I could move all over the screen and write sideways. It is very useful in cutting down the amount of information that is put on the screen and helping people know about the topic but not read from the prezi. This is a new interesting way to present information.
Being able to state my opinions about the new proposed North Carolina social studies standards was very encouraging. I really felt like I had a say in the standards as a future educator and concerned individual. I appreciate the fact that we were able to do this in class because I don't think I would've taken the time or known to do this outside of class.
Finally, I really appreciate the fact that we get to pick fifty points of our grade. This makes me feel like my teacher has more confidence and trust in my abilities. I am also more interested in the assignments because i am allowed to choose them. I  am able to demonstrate my course knowledge in a way that is more effective for me. I appreciate being able to choose the projects I am going to do in order to achieve the number of points I need to make the grade I would like. I hope that I am able to somehow incorporate this idea in my classroom. I could do it somehow but just make sure students have a little more guidance because they are younger.
There were many meaningful activities that have taken place in this classroom. I have learned a lot about Social Studies as a student and how to teach it to students. I have really benefited from this class and am not going to put social studies on the back burner in my classroom.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What a busy week with my cooperating teacher at Cary Elementary!

  Since this is a free post where we can discuss any topic we want, I have chosen to share my experiences with my cooperating teacher. This week I have had to do a math assessment interview, science demonstration and a literacy lesson. I really enjoy my 4th grade classroom and have already had some rewarding experiences with them. My cooperating teacher is very wonderful to work with and she was a Meredith graduate so she understands some of the work I am having to do.
  For my math assessment I worked with a very vocal child who loved the attention he received from me when doing the math assessment. It was a pleasure to work with him because he was very bright and told me how much fun he was having the whole time I was assessing him. For this assessment I gave him several math problems that Dr. Gleason gave us to ask them. I had to pay attention to his thinking while working the math problems. I really enjoyed listening to his thinking and explanation of the problems. I learned a lot about his thinking process from watching and listening to his explanations. He was not scared to answer and he was very sure of himself which made me proud to see. I belive Mrs. Shaw is really doing a great job in the classroom with making them feel comfortable explaining and talking in front of their peers about answers. I know I would've had a hard time doing that when I was that age because discussion was not integrated into our activities as much as Mrs. Shaw puts it in her activities. He understod almost all the problems and was able to explain them effectively
  Today during my science demonstration I struggled a little because students had not previously talked about the different types of rocks. I was very nervous so I looked down at my notes a little and did not ask questions while I was demonstrating how to form the different rocks. Other than those few things, students listened to the demonstration well and enjoyed learning about the different rocks and seeing the rocks go from igneous rocks to sedimentary to metamorphic rocks. I believe students understood the different types of rocks because when I asked them questions they seemed to understand. When Mrs. Shaw asked students questions about the different types of rock and the rock cycle they seemed to understand as well. Before I began the demonstration, I told students what type of a rock granite was that they had been studying. This way students were able to see an example of an igneous rock. Overall, this was a good experience!
  My literacy lesson  overall was good. We used a Social Studies book as our nonfiction text and practiced locating information for specific purposes. I really enjoyed this lesson and think the students got a lot out of it. I was much more comfortable teaching to a small group and not being videotaped. It was easier than the Science demonstration. The only problem was that there were some behavior issues. Some students talked while I was talking and while their peers were talking. This was a little expected because some of the students that I worked with had attention deficit disorder. In the end the students were able to successfully complete the evaluation and seemed to understand the concept I was trying to teach. I did realize however, that while teaching you have to repeat yourself a lot and scaffold the students.
  Overall, this week I learned a lot about myself and about being a future teacher. It is not easy whatsoever and you have to be prepared all the time. You never know what comment or answer a student will give. In my literacy lesson one student brought up the fact that you can use the glossary to locate information. I did not know this and so not only did he learn from me but I also learned from me. I am learning some exciting things and can't wait until I have a classroom on my own!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Integration of social studies into other curriculum

   It is important to try to incorporate different subject areas into other areas in the curriculum. I have heard over and over again that social studies should be incorporated into literacy, science should be incorporated into math or vice versa. I personally believe that the subjects are not watered down when they are incorporated into other subjects. I believe students almost get more out of social studies when it is  integrated with literacy. It is being used for another subject, so students are able to see how it is more relevent in their lives and see how it affects other parts of their subjects and lives.
   The other day, my cooperating teacher incorporated social studies into the literacy time by informing students that the social studies textbook they use is an informational nonfiction text. In the students literacy time my cooperating teacher was talking about nonfiction text and made sure to mention the social studies text as a part of the nonfiction text. She had students make predictions about what they thought would be in the book by looking at the pictures on the front of the book and looking at the title of the social studies book. After they made predictions students read some of the headings and some of the text to see if their predictions were accurate. Also, for my read aloud for my literacy class I read a social studies level reading book to my students. They really enjoyed this book and were able to learn more about geography of North Carolina. Students were able to answer literacy questions and use sticky notes to answer them. These are usually techniques that are used in literacy but they were used with a social studies reading book. In this case, students were learning a lot of social studies concepts while using literacy skills to reflect on their reading. Social Studies content was NOT watered down in anyway. For my Science Unit, one of my activities had students collect the high and low temperatures for a week and then find the average for each day and week. Once they were done they plotted the data on a line graph. For this assignment students are fully learning math and science concepts. They are learning how to measure temperature and how to find the average and plot those points on a line graph.
I believe it is impossible to dedicate enough time in the school day for an ample amount of time for social studies, science, math and literacy so I believe that incorporating other subjects into one subject is necessary. Students might be learning about the regions of North Carolina in their social studies class but there learning about that subject matter does not have to stop there. To receive additional information about the subject areas, students can read or do some activity with the subject matter in literacy. There are many ways in which two subjects can be incorporated without one being watered down. There are many math books that can be shared with the class and students can make predictions with in the reading but also work math problems. Overall, I do not believe that when incorporated into other subjects, social studies is watered down. The subject is only developed more and practiced more by students as they explore the concept integrated into another subject matter!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hello!!! Technology is ingrained into our society...

           So when I saw what we had to post about today I thought it was a very interesting and necessary topic to talk about. This issue is heavily debated right now. A boy from Rutgers University committed suicide because of a sexual encounter he had that was posted on the internet. Many children are being harassed on the internet everyday on sites like facebook and myspace.
          While there are many dangers and hazards with technology it is important that students know how to effectively use technology. Afterall, technology is our future. Students are going to have to use technology when they go out into the workforce and if they don't know how they will have a huge disadvantage. Students are going to be interested in technology because they are surrounded by it in society. Popularity revolves around who has the latest ipod or cell phone. I think most people today would be lost without these technologies. No one can even remember the last time they weren't able to talk to someone when they were away from home. But there was a time. Technology has progressed so much in the last couple of years and it is only going to progress more. If we do not teach our students how to use these technologies they will become even further behind the country in their education.
         Why don't we use technology to enhance our teaching. There are so many lessons that can be augmented with the use of technology. Students are going to be using technology outside of the classroom so why not let them use it in the classroom. A lesson can be built surrounding technology. It is important students be able to search the internet and at least be able to make a powerpoint because these are common tasks they will need to know how to do to be competitive at the workplace. Students need to be taught in the classroom because their employers will not take the time to teach them.
        Overall, In order to connect with your students you need to engage them into technology. They already know a lot about technology that many teachers do not know about because they grew up with it. Technology is a benefit of our society not a hinderence. If students know how to properly use technology then they will have an advantage over the students whos teacher did not introduce them to the technology of the time.
                                            Image retrieved from Curtis Palmer on flickr

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Social Sciences... now thats my idea of Social Studies :)

Discuss each of the social science disciplines in a way that helps you identify/remember/analyze what makes each important.  What are your areas of weakness in regards to these topics? What are your areas of strength? Did you learn SOCIAL STUDIES or SOCIAL SCIENCE in your elementary school days?

Immediately when I hear social science, I get excited because I am very intrigued by the study of human behavior which is what social science focuses on. I mean after all I am a psychology major and I really enjoyed my sociology class I took freshman year and considered majoring in that. Humans have always fascinated me and I really am fascinated in how all of our differences shape us into who we are. When I think of Anthropology I think more of the study of old cultures. I believe anthropology investigates more about how cultures came to be and how they have developed. Anthropologists go back and look at the traditions and mores of older tribal groups. When I think of economics I think of resources in particular money. Money is not the only resource though, land and labor are also. Economists look at time, capability, and interest people have in these resources. They look at consumers and producers and usually deal with business more. I usually believe they work hand in hand with business. Geography is the study of place and space and mainly deal with maps.Geographers attempt to explain why places are where they are. When I think about history I think about more dates and records of events that have taken place. Historians ask more questions about human interactions in current time and in the past. Sociology is another social science that deals with the study of social life, social change, and the social causes of human behavior. When I think of sociology I think more about the study of groups and their behaviors in society. In my sociology class I remember looking at men and women in the workforce and who made more income. When I think of Political Science I think of government and the study of the way it is run and public policies and political policies. There is a huge emphasis on systems.

My areas of weakness in the social sciences is probably geography and maybe economy and political science. I know I am not as strong in geography because I am not good with the location of places. I have trouble locating many places on the map which I am working on because I have to know them for my midterm. I haven't really studied economy or political science very much but I feel like I would not be as strong in these subjects. I am more into the study of the people then the study of locations, resources or institutions.

When I was in school I feel like I learned more social studies than social sciences. I never would've even heard of some of the social sciences like anthropology, sociology, economy, or political science if I hadn't have gone to college because none of these subjects were incorporated into our curriculum.